18th September 2016

Prayers for God’s Blessings and Sincere Thanks To Liz Prendergast and her friends in the Merrion Square Artists Association For the
Fundraising Activity that raised €602.

Dear Friends,

Just a brief note to acknowledge receipt of €602 which was passed on to us by Elizabeth Prendergast and which was the proceeds of your fundraising activity in aid of the Day Centre. This money will be used to help us in our work with people who are homeless or in need.

While the number of people in need of our service is growing every day, we Capuchins know that with the help of God working through kind people like you, we will continue in our apostolate to those most in need for as long as it is necessary. Every day I thank God for your generosity and it strengthens my own Christian commitment to the work.

On behalf of the people who attend the Centre and the Irish Capuchin Franciscan Order, I offer renewed thanks and our prayers for God’s blessings on you and your families.

With every good wish,
Bro. Kevin Crowley ofm cap.